Border Roads Organization is premier infrastructure development organization under Ministry of Defense. The organization executes the projects with state of the art vehicle, equipment and plants. BRO a self-sustaining organization has a large number of vehicle equipment and plants of wide varieties and capabilities which are deployed in remote part of the country. . The organization is embracing new technologies and making big strides with perfect combination of men, material and machine true to it’s motto “ Shramen Sarvam Sadhayam” and achieving “ Difficult in No time and Impossible in some time”. TA Date under HQ DGBR looks after the acquisition, operation, repair and road worthiness of the vehicle, equipment, plant by overseeing preventive maintenance and repairs through inventory of spares and other consumables. The Border Roads Inventory Management software is an enabling step in managing its inventory of vehicle, equipment, plants their spares and operational stores.
We will either find a way or make one...
Address:- DDG (TA) HO DGBR Seema Sadak Bhawan Ring Road, Delhi Cantt New Delhi - 110 010 Phone No:- 011-25696095 Fax- 011-25684632
Address:- Dir (E4 Tech/Inv) HQ DGBR Seema Sadak Bhawan Ring Road, Delhi Cantt New Delhi - 110 010 Phone No:-011-25686963 Fax: 011-25684632 Email:-